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A Father's Day to Remember..

Updated: Jun 21, 2021


It is with great excitement and a bit of butterflies, that I get the honor of showcasing the extraordinary works of mixed media designs by my late father

William Donald "Don" Blagg.

Living in Hawaii gives you so many blessings, one is the natural beauty surrounding the Hawaiian islands. Many of Don's themes revolved around the fragility of the 'aina (The Land which feeds us). My father captured that stunningly, delicate beauty in his original pen and ink artistry. Having lived in Hawaii for most of his adult life, his art reflects the cultures he most identified with on this planet and beyond.

Before my father passed, we had plans to open a Global Art Marketplace to showcase his unique works of art, beyond the charming Big Island town of Puna where he resided in. We didn't get that chance, but it's so fitting that Moonbow Arts will go live on the very month that we celebrate our Fathers. I know he would be thrilled to see his works of art online, even if it meant having to assign names to his creations. Something he did not believe in.

"Art is subjective, don't tell people what they are supposed to see," he would say say" let people form their own interpretation, of what it means to them, because I already know what it means to me".

Make of it what you will, his art covers a vast array of themes, seasons, feelings and experiences. I will be releasing more of his designs in the near future, he sure had a lot to say through his art. I hope you enjoy the story he weaves.

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Jun 21, 2021

Fantabulous 💕🥰🌺


Jun 21, 2021

Congratulations 🎉🎊

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